הכל זורם אינסטלציה מתמקצע בפרויקטים של בתים פרטים - תיקונים והתקנות מכל סוגי המים והביוב

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About Us

חברת הכל זורם היא עסק משפחתי עם מעל 25 שנות ניסיון בתחום המים והביוב. החברה הוקמה בארה"ב על ידי יוסי שלמד שם שבע שנים אינסטלציה בתחומי תכנון, בנייה, איתור, ויעוץ.

After immigrating to Israel in 2010, Yossi developed the company here in Israel alongside his two sons, Elisha and Gabi, who have been in the business for over 5 years. The company deals with locating and repairing water/sewerage problems, renovation of water pipes and services, plumbing projects for houses from scratch.

Hakol Zorem company works with the quality materials that the construction market today has to offer. All the work is carried out according to Israeli standard laws and materials with an Israeli standard mark without compromise.

From the experience gained over the years, we provide creative solutions with an impressive result with an emphasis on minimal damage, in addition to experience, the coordination between our service and your desire is always a priority, so you will always get the desired result.

Hakol Zorem company provides services at the highest and most accurate level with the most advanced technology in the market, and according to the Israeli standard. For any work we perform, we provide the customer with a full warranty in the event of any malfunction.

לפרטים נוספים ותיאום פגישה התקשרו עכשיו ל - 052-7334371 או השאירו כאן פרטים

Our Services


Sewage infrastructure, sewage pits

Sewage and drainage piping

Water pipes, manifolds

Renewal of water and sewage piping

Adding and renewing water and drainage points

Filter and pressure controllers

Control and irrigation systems for the garden

Installation of sanitary ware

Pumps for English yard and sewage pits

Solar boilers & solar panels

Gas piping

Gas boilers (water-based domestic heating systems) and radiators


עבודות שירות - נזילות, שירותים רגילים ונסתרים, ברזים, כיורים, מקלחות, אמבטיות, דודי שמש

Installation and repair of water manifolds

Sewage and drainage blockages (including blockages in air conditioning lines)

Sewer and drainage piping imaging

Detection of explosions and leaks of sewage and water pipes using thermal imaging

Repair of explosions and leaks of sewage and water pipes

Installation and repair of irrigation and control systems for the garden

Filters and filtration systems for the whole house, kitchen, bathroom and solar heaters

Water pressure decrease and increase controllers

Installation and repair of pumps for pits/sewage trenches

Installation and repair of solar and electric solar water heaters including solar panels (collectors)

Installation of electric and gas Yunkers

Hagaz installation


לבניה חדשה ושיפוץ בתים פרטיים, בנייני מגורים ומוסדות - תוספות / שיפוצים לשירותים, בדיקה, עיצוב, תכנון, התקנה ופיקוח


לבתים פרטיים, בנייני מגורים, ומוסדות - התקנה, אבחון, תיקון, תחזוקה ובדיקה

The Family Team

Gabi Gove

Repair Team Manager

Gabi, a man above and beyond, a loyal and dedicated worker who will always make sure to arrive on time, pleasing the customer is always his top priority.

Yossi Gove

מייסד החברה ומנכ"ל

Yossi, with reliability, determination and many years of experience, schedules the company, specifies the details and makes sure that you always receive the perfect service. Yossi has been in the field for over 25 years, always working at the most professional level and without compromise.

Elisha Gove

Project Team Manager

Elisha, who has over 5 years of experience in setting up projects for hundreds of homes and clients in our company. Hardworking, honest and the guy you will meet in the field. And maybe you'll get to drink coffee with him.

"התרומה של כל אחד, בצירוף של מסירות משפחתיות ומוסר עבודה הם מה שנותן את ביטחון ותחושה שיש לכם על מי לסמוך"

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So, how does it work?

Hakol Zorem's Project Process

Submission of a price quote and approval

The offer is customized for the client based on the meeting, the work consumed and the technical specifications.

Counseling meeting

during which we will go over the architectural plans of the house (if any) and adjust the elements to the client from a practical and design point of view

Counseling meeting

during which we will go over the architectural plans of the house (if any) and adjust the elements to the client from a practical and design point of view

Submission of a price quote and approval

The offer is customized for the client based on the meeting, the work consumed and the technical specifications.


The delivery of the work according to the date set with the client at the highest level


Complete closure on dates and coordination between the influencing factors (client, architect, contractor, professionals in the project)


Complete closure on dates and coordination between the influencing factors (client, architect, contractor, professionals in the project)


The delivery of the work according to the date set with the client at the highest level

Contact Us

For more details / schedule an appointment, call now or leave details below

Alown 363, Halamish
